Day 13 : 60 Day Experiment
First Visitors
I got my first visitor yesterday courtesy of some referrals from the websites where I commented. Since most of those websites are U.S. based and/or targeted to U.S. internet users, it's not surprising that almost all who visited my site are stateside.
Search Engine Visitor
On the search engine side, I got my very first SE visitor courtesy of Google. Apparently, the site is already #4 in a certain keyword. It's quite surprising because it took only a few days and now, my site is in #4! Yup, you read it right, I'm already on the first page. But it's no reason to celebrate just yet. That's not my target keyword so it's just a bonus. But nevertheless, I'm still happy. I mean, very happy!
So what else did I do? Here they are.
Entrecard - OK, it's no longer popular as it was but based on my experience, it's a good starting point of getting enough traffic. This will also be my source of future exchange link partners.
Amazon Affiliate - Yeah, I placed some affiliate links already. The links are not intrusive, though. Hopefully it converts. But of course, I'll need the traffic.
Forum Posting - Yeah, I should have done that the other day. But now, I joined in a forum where there are discussions about my target keyword. There are lively discussions so I joined. No links yet. :D Here's a little tip. Since this is a skin disorder, it is the women who gets affected very much. So basically, it is them who mostly search for the term. The dummy accounts I created are females, too, so that when I join into their conversation, I'll be "IN". But of course, I have to be careful.
Blog Commenting - This is where I got my first visitors.
New Post - I just published my eight post and two more to follow immediately. I already scheduled the two new posts with two days interval.
As I have said, I'm very happy with the initial results considering that I wasn't able to complete my plans and was even delayed on some items.
That's it for now! Ciao!