It's time again to give you an update on how much we earned for the month. You see, this endevour has already made my wife join into it. Two heads are better than one, right? Actually, she's been helping me for the past year already. So without further delay, here's the report..
Oct 2008 Earnings Report
- Adsense : $418.35
- TLA : $133.15
- Total : $551.50
Despite the slump in organic referrals from google for one of the sites starting at the second half of october, adsense revenue is still higher than the previous month. It could have gone higher had that site not drop from the ranking. But thanks to Yahoo, revenue for the problem site rebounded. It's still below the usual target but I'm still happy with it. We expect a slump for the month of November so we are trying to find new avenue to earn money online.
But one thing we learned here is that we really need to keep our site updated. I think it's one of the most important things that SEO gurus always say. One new post every week would be good enough but if there really is no time, at least once every two weeks. I know frequency also depends on your niche but we should strive better to give our readers something new or otherwise, they will no longer revisit your site.
Also, I might start converting the live links at the sidebars to NO FOLLOW to conform with the Google Webmasters Guide recommendation. Yeah, I know that I should have done that earlier and it may have been the cause of my drop in search engine rankings. But hey, I'm just human. :) Hopefully, google will reconsider my sites again.
As for this site, I think a template change is in order. Though it doesn't carry ad units, I think it is still good to make it look better in the eyes. By the way, the revenues from our online properties has already been vital to our budget, it helps pay some of the bills already. In that note, there's more pressure to keep the revenue at a certain level. To be specific, adsense revenue should be at least $300 a month.